The prostate gland is present only in men. The equivalent in women is vestigial. Prostate enlargement is a common concern among men as they age. It often varies in severity and can manifest from mild to severe. It is also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
BPH is a non-cancerous growth of the prostate gland. Since the prostate gland is located at the base of the urethra, when the gland grows, it presses against the urethra causing difficulty in urination. Although BPH is not a life-threatening condition, it can significantly impact a man's quality of life, causing urinary problems, discomfort, disruption to sleep patterns, etc.
While there is no guaranteed way to prevent BPH, there are several lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risk of developing it.
In this blog post, we’ll cover prostate enlargement related questions like whether an enlarged prostate can indeed reduce in size, does prostate enlargement go away, can prostate enlargement be cured permanently, and various others like what factors contribute to these possibilities etc.
1. Are There Levels Of Prostate Enlargement
While the degree of obstruction is related to the size of the gland, small glands can cause significant obstruction. Speaking of the size of the gland, let us understand the size of the prostate gland and its enlargement.

As an infant, the normal size of the prostate gland is about half the standard size of an adult prostate. It weighs approximately 10 grams. Here onwards, it gradually develops as a part of normal growth.
An adult prostate is of a walnut’s size and grows until you reach around 20 years of age. Beyond the mid-20s, it continues to grow until it is as large as an apricot by the age of 40.
Its size keeps increasing beyond puberty, but a major part of the enlargement in size happens after the age 40. Most adult prostate glands measure about 30-35 gm on the ultrasound study. This increase in size of prostate gland, is known as Benign Prostatic Enlargement (BPE).
BPE is secondary to the BPH and approximately 50% of men with BPH tend to develop BPE. This enlargement is of importance because when the glands increase in size, it can cause obstruction to the flow of urine, and therefore will need medical attention. The size of the gland itself is inconsequential.
And post 60, it may grow as big as a lemon or even a tennis ball.
2. Does Prostate Enlargement Go Away?
While you are facing the uncertainty of prostate enlargement, it is natural for your brain to pop questions like - will it go away on its own?
Prostate enlargement is a known part of hormonal changes. It will therefore not go away but may stabilize at a certain size and remain. Therefore, to expect a complete disappearance is not correct. Then the focus will be only on the effect of this enlargement on the urinary stream. Monitoring the condition with regular checkups and adopting a proactive approach to health management is crucial in dealing with the ebb and flow of prostate enlargement realities.
3. Can Prostate Enlargement Be Cured Permanently?

Hope springs eternally, and so does the desire for a permanent cure. The concept of a "cure" for prostate enlargement often centers around addressing the underlying causes.
While there is no definitive way to prevent prostate enlargement entirely, adopting healthy lifestyle habits can lower your risk of developing lower urinary tract symptoms, and promote overall well-being.
Dietary changes and exercises for prostate health show promise in offering long-term relief, though they do not promise a cure. Managing and reducing the symptoms significantly contributes to an improved quality of life.
4. What Can You Do If Your Prostate Is Enlarged?
When faced with an enlarged prostate, taking proactive steps becomes paramount. Seeking medical advice, exploring treatment options, and incorporating lifestyle changes are pivotal steps. Medications, minimally invasive procedures, and even surgery might be considered depending on the severity of enlargement.
What Can I Do to Prevent Prostate Enlargement?
Adopting a proactive mindset and actively participating in one's healthcare journey contributes to a sense of control.
Currently, there is some evidence that an unhealthy dietary choice can lead to increasing prostate size, and perhaps even malignancy.
Dietary choices rich in fruits, vegetables, and nutrients like Lycopene contribute to prostate health. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and tailored fluid intake help prevent the worsening of symptoms. Engaging in regular health screening helps in the early detection of prostatic obstruction.
5. Prostate Enlargement Exercise:
Physical activity plays a pivotal role in maintaining prostate health. From pelvic floor exercises to aerobic activities, identify a tailored exercise regimen that contributes to your overall wellness.

Ø Pelvic floor exercises are not just restricted for women. It is known for its positive impact on prostate health, and can be seamlessly integrated into a daily regimen.
Ø Aerobic activities, such as brisk walking or cycling, contribute not only to overall fitness but also aid in maintaining a healthy prostate.
Ø Consulting with an expert urologist ensures that exercise routines align with individual health needs.
6. Foods to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate
Dietary choices can significantly impact prostate health. From understanding the role of certain nutrients to identifying potential triggers, it is vital to make informed decisions about your diet to promote a prostate-friendly lifestyle.

Although foods high in saturated fats, spicy dishes, and excessive caffeine all attract our senses including taste buds, staying away from them is only going to provide relief. Understanding the role of specific nutrients like zinc and antioxidants aids in crafting a diet conducive to prostate well-being. It's not just about restriction but about being balanced in maintaining a lifestyle.
While there is no guaranteed way to prevent BPH, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking medical attention, when necessary, can help reduce the risk of developing it. Remember to take care of your prostate, and it will take care of you. Understanding our body is as essential as taking care of it.
If you or your dear ones are facing these issues or want to learn more about them, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn. Alternatively you can visit us at Bangalore or any other branch preferable to you.