Hypospadias Explained: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Hypospadias is a genetic defect where the urethral opening is located in the penis rather than the tip. This abnormal positioning of the urethral opening can cause issues with urination and, in some cases, affect sexual function. It is a relatively common condition, occurring in about 1 in 200 male births. In most cases, the condition can be successfully treated with surgical procedures, thus, the penis would be both functionally and visually improved.
Types of Hypospadias: An Overview of Severity Levels
Whereas the urethral opening position can vary, there are three hypospadias subtypes, which are classified according to this:
- Distal (Anterior) Hypospadias: The opening is located at the head of the penis. This is the most common type and usually requires simpler surgery.
- Midshaft (Middle) Hypospadias: The urethral opening is situated at the penis shaft.
- Proximal (Posterior) Hypospadias: Severe type, where the urethral opening is at the base of the penis or even in the scrotum.
Understanding the kind of hypospadias is important to know how complicated the surgery will be and, thus, how much it will cost.