Times Health Critical Care Survey - NU Hospitals ranked 1st for City , 2nd for Regional and 3rd for National in the field of Urology. Times Health Critical Care Survey - NU Hospitals ranked 6th for City in the field of Nephrology

Overview of Biofeedback therapy

Biofeedback therapy is a painless alternative treatment for urine leakage issues. Women often feel frustrated by unexpected urine leaks, frequent bathroom trips, or have a bladder that just won't cooperate. Moreover, millions of people struggle with various bladder control issues in India, from occasional sprinkles to full-blown floods. But instead of resorting to bulky pads or worrying about social anxiety, you can train your bladder to behave.

That's where biofeedback comes in, to aid you in regaining control.

Think of it as a mind-body workout like yoga, meditation, or art therapy but for your bladder. Using sensors and real-time feedback, you'll learn to identify and strengthen the muscles responsible for holding and releasing urine. It's like having a personal trainer for your pelvic floor muscles, guiding you through exercises.

Biofeedback therapy at NU Hospitals is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and completely personalized approach to common urological issues like:

  • Urine leakage (incontinence): Whether it's stress leaks during a laugh or a sudden urge that strikes out of nowhere, biofeedback can help you regain assurance and control.
  • Overactive bladder: Feeling like you're constantly running to the bathroom? This therapy can teach you to relax and lengthen your bladder's capacity, reducing those urgent calls of nature.
  • Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction: Tightness, weakness, or incoordination in these muscles can lead to various problems. This technique involves placing a small device in your bottom while doing the exercises. This device provides visual and auditory stimuli, providing you with feedback as to how well you are doing the exercises. Thus, it helps you retrain the strength of muscles for optimal function.
Advantages of Biofeedback therapy:
  • Empowers your confidence and control
  • Helps achieve long-term results

If you are tired of relying on medication or feeling helpless with your bladder control issues, contact NU Hospitals today to learn more about how biofeedback can transform your life. We will be with you when you decide you take control of your leakage problems as biofeedback therapy is available at our Bengaluru as well as at other branches.

Public Notice: NU Hospitals would like to inform the general public that NU Hospitals practices all organ transplants in accordance with The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994. NU Hospitals does not buy or sell any organ and seriously condemn this act. NU Hospitals do not by any nature seek your personal information such as name, telephone, address or banking details for any purpose.