Times Health Critical Care Survey - NU Hospitals ranked 1st for City , 2nd for Regional and 3rd for National in the field of Urology. Times Health Critical Care Survey - NU Hospitals ranked 6th for City in the field of Nephrology

What is Hematuria?

Hematuria is a condition in which you find blood in your urine. This makes your urine appear pink, red, or even brown. It can be categorised into two types:

Causes of Hematuria:

The list of potential causes for hematuria is diverse, ranging from harmless to serious. Here are some common factors:

Symptoms of Hematuria:

While blood in the urine is the primary symptom, hematuria can sometimes be accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the underlying cause. These may include:

Diagnostic tests:

If you experience hematuria, seeking medical attention promptly is crucial. Your doctor will conduct a thorough physical examination and ask about your medical history and symptoms. Additional tests may include:

Blood In Urine Treatment options:

The treatment for hematuria depends on the underlying cause. In many cases, the condition resolves on its own with adequate hydration and rest. However, for more serious causes, specific treatments may be necessary:

Early Detection is key:

Hematuria can be a warning sign of various health issues. While not always serious, it should never be ignored. Hence, early diagnosis is recommended and proper treatment can prevent complications and ensure optimal health.

At NU Hospitals, including the Bengaluru branch, we have a team of urologists who are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for all your kidney and urinary tract issues. We offer advanced diagnostic tools, skilled surgical expertise, and compassionate aftercare.

For an expert evaluation and personalised treatment plan, contact us and fill in your details and hit the ‘send message’ button

Public Notice: NU Hospitals would like to inform the general public that NU Hospitals practices all organ transplants in accordance with The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994. NU Hospitals does not buy or sell any organ and seriously condemn this act. NU Hospitals do not by any nature seek your personal information such as name, telephone, address or banking details for any purpose.