Bladder Cancer Symptoms in Men and What They Mean for Your Outlook

Man Dealing With Bladder Cancer - NU Hospitals

Diseases of the genitourinary tract are a cause for concern in males. More often than not, males suffer from prostate cancer which makes them overlook the possibility of developing bladder cancer. Men are more prone to get affected by bladder cancer than women. The disease is known to manifest itself beyond the age of 60 years, with rapid increase in its prevalence as the age advances.

What is bladder cancer?

Man Suffering from Back Pain - NU Hospitals

Bladder cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer in which the lining of the urinary bladder gets affected. It is the result of mutation or changes in the cells of the tissue lining the bladder called urothelium. If not treated on time, bladder cancer can spread to nearby lymph nodes and from there, to other organs of the body, including the bones, liver, and lungs.

Symptoms of bladder cancer

Symptoms of Bladder Cancer - NU Hospitals

The most common symptom that can indicate bladder cancer is blood in the urine (hematuria). However, this is only a symptom and cannot confirm the presence of bladder cancer. Some of the other signs and symptoms of bladder cancer include:

  • Painful urination:

    There may be pain, burning or stinging sensation when you start to pass urine or afterwards.

  • Frequent urination:

    There may be an urge to pass urine many times during a 24-hour period.

  • Frequent bladder infections:

    Many of the symptoms of bladder infections and bladder cancer are overlapping. So, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider in case you have a bladder infection that is persistent and doesn’t go away even after treatment with antibiotics.

  • Back pain:

    Pain on one side of the body or lower back pain is often associated with bladder cancer.

Causes of bladder cancer

Causes of Bladder Cancer - NU Hospitals

Certain genetic and environmental factors are known to contribute towards bladder cancer. If Environmental factors that can contribute towards the development of bladder cancer include:

  • Painful urination:

    There may be pain, burning or stinging sensation when you start to pass urine or afterwards.

  • Frequent urination:

    There may be an urge to pass urine many times during a 24-hour period.

  • Frequent bladder infections:

    Many of the symptoms of bladder infections and bladder cancer are overlapping. So, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider in case you have a bladder infection that is persistent and doesn’t go away even after treatment with antibiotics.

  • Back pain:

    Pain on one side of the body or lower back pain is often associated with bladder cancer.

Outlook/prognosis of bladder cancer in males

Bladder Cancer in Males - NU Hospitals

If the bladder cancer spreads to other organs of the body, it will affect how long you will live with this disease. As with many other types of cancer, early detection and treatment can increase your chances of living with bladder cancer. There are many ways to treat bladder cancer, including surgery. Sometimes, bladder cancer may come back (up to 75% of early-stage bladder cancer) even after treatment. So, it is imperative for men with a history of bladder cancer to have regular follow-up visits with their healthcare provider.

Living with bladder cancer

Healthy Diet for Bladder Cancer - NU Hospitals

Bladder cancer is often known to recur in males. To prevent its come back, it is advised to follow some easy-to-adopt lifestyle changes that will go a long way in preventing bladder cancer from rearing its head again. Here are some useful tips to help you:


  • Follow a heart-healthy diet: Your meal plans should include low-fat dairy products, skinless poultry and fish, a variety of fruits and vegetables, and nuts and legumes.
  • Consume more high-fiber foods: Bladder cancer treatment may cause digestive problems. Intake of more high-fiber foods helps in relieving this condition.
  • Exercise regularly: Leading an active lifestyle by exercising regularly, may help manage stress levels.
  • Get a support system/group: Bladder cancer often comes back despite treatment. Being part of a group of people who understand what you are going through often helps. Thus, it is important to collaborate with a support system or group that can empathize with you.

As with any other cancer, bladder cancer can also metastasize to other parts of the body. It is thus important to treat this disease at the earliest. Once treated, you may still require regular follow-up visits to your healthcare provider’s clinic as there are high chances for the bladder cancer to reappear. Bladder cancer can be treated either through surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, or targeted therapy. Longevity in men suffering from bladder cancer depends on early diagnosis and proper treatment, followed by frequent medical check-ups.

At NU hospitals which is located in Bangalore, an expert team of nephrologists and urologists are available round the clock to bring relief to you. In case you or a loved one is suffering from bladder cancer, visit NU hospitals today for proper and thorough treatment and guidance. Coming here would be the turning point in your life and the best decision that you ever made for your health!

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